The weather over the last few days has made it too cold to get into the workshop so I have spent the time working on the drawings of the engine cowl for the SK1 to try to help Jim Gordon to get the CAD drawing right in this area. I have scaled the drawings to 1/4 scale and have poured over the pictures and the three views and come up with a side elevation, top view and three sections (formers) to aid the interpretation.
I have also today finished writing the letter to the current owner, of what remains of the SK1, to ask for copies of any data he may have that is not in the public domain and to seek access to the remains currently in France for measurement and photography purposes and finally to get a small paint chip for colour matching purposes. It is in the post and I will wait to see if it produces a positive response and any useful information or anecdotes about the aircraft. I am now drafting a letter to geoffrey Somers the son of the late Nat Somers to see if he has any photographs not in the public domain that he would be willing to share with me.