Sunday 28th July 2024 saw the first official BMFA ‘Flying Only’ scale competition held at the Wimborne Model Aero Club’s fantastic Cashmoor site. This was an event postponed from earlier in the year due to strong Northerly winds being forecast, although the wind did set some challenges for flyers at this re arranged event also, swinging to almost 90 deg to the main runway directions (luckily south) during the day and becoming quite strong as the day progressed.
**Excitement Soars at BFFA Fun Fly Event at Cashmoor!**
What an incredible weekend we had at Cashmoor for the BFFA Fun Fly event on July 13th and 14th! This fun-filled fly fest welcomed enthusiasts of all levels to compete just for the sheer joy of it. And boy, did Mother Nature smile upon us! With light winds from the southwest, we enjoyed favorable flying conditions throughout the event.
A volunteer team of members dismantle the club house as it has come to the end of useful life. A day's work intermingled with some flying and grub breaks. Once ground surface is prepared a new club house will be installed. You will also see the tunneling by the local wildflife over the years now visible. Our thanks to those members who gave up most of their flying time to get the urgent job done before the Summer season really kicks in. Looking forward to the install of a new club house very soon.
Intro music "Bob The Builder - We Can Fix It"