Tuesday 25th June - Light wind down the runway so first trials of the dolly were " up hill "
So here we go for the models maiden flight - built up speed gradually tracking slightly left, onto 3/4 throttle still not unstuck, touch of up elevator and she jumps off the dolly.
A few trim inputs and she's flying rock steady, landing no problem, slight touch of up elevator and she touches down on the radiator intake with no damage to the fixed prop.
Second flight could not control left swing with the rudder and again jumps off the dolly when up elevator applied, no action shots since I was the only one there.
I was hoping that when she reached takeoff speed she would have just lifted off the dolly without elevator input.
The " jump off " is very sudden - any ideas how to achieve a gentle lift off would be appreciated.
I'm considering fitting a steerable wheel to overcome the left swing.