Hi all. I am building an Impressivo and I’ve had a look through the thread on the group build at the motor setup but when I looked on HobbyKing website it would appear the motor used is no longer available. Are there any suggestions please as to the best available setup of motor, controller, adaptor and prop to use?
As a few Impressivos have met an impressive end of life i'm sure a few motors must have survived so suggest wait for responses.
Also bought a bulk load of props have a few sets of these 4.75 x 4.75 which wont give you "Warp Tappin" speed but are ok at my level.
Also i have decals left in white or silver
Rummaged thru my drawers and found these - (If someone else has a motor i would prefer to keep this as a spare ) but have this prop driver which has been chamfered to clear the prop blades