I wanted to find one of the original Gangsters but couldonly come up with the one Mick is doing now so bought the kit last year to get me back into building and the shape of a proper air frame. The kit is for a I/C engine and is so light will fly quite well on a 40 glow (I used to fly them on Merco 61s or the last one on a OS 60 4 stroke quite well) I had a 10cc petrol in the box so thought that would be good but in the end I decided it would make a good electric every day flyer so out with the bits and work out what could be done.
Having fitted a 1400 watt motor and 5 cell to the WOT-WOT which flies around at half throttle and has good flight times I measured up the fus and found that there was plenty of room for a 1500 watt motor and a 6 cell 6000 mamp battery with a 2200 mamp LI_ION for the radio and use high voltage servos, 4 spectrum standard with plastic gears andA High Tec mini metal gear for the steerable nose wheel. The motor is a 400KV 1500 WATT and a 80 amp ESC this should give me on a 6 cell about 8800 rpm and wattage depending on the prop used depending on ground clearance etc.
The kit is laser cut and good quality balsa and light ply, the hardwear a little light for my t aste so binned and decent metal horns etc used, the wing is nearly finished and very light and has been upgraded as required and Cashmored around the under carriage, the wing is quite ridged when complete for built up wing.
I have started to build the fus first having to build a jig, this is not required but my choice, the instructions are in picture and number form with no drawing but are quite well written and the model can be built from these but I am using it to get back into building aircraft so that I have got all the gear ready for building the big Provost.
I hope this as helped, photos when I learn how to get them on the website but you are welome to come and look, I have used traditional glues not insstant so quite a slow build along with all the hospital visits.