Another source of canopies:- Carbon Copy, Chris Foss (XtraWot), Vortex Vacforms. Or you might get a canopy by making a wood plug of the shape and shrinking a plastic bottle over it. I used this method for the old Weston Hype as well as the Weston Jazz. 2 litre bottles of fizzy water from Sainsbury's. Nice plain plastic, easy shrinking, and fizzy water bottles tend to be undented due to being under pressure.
Simon I'll try and make one for you. I need one of three things: Preferably a wooden plug of the canopy or the fuselage or whats left of the old canopy.
Hi John
You are very kind to offer to make one. Thank you. Here are some pics of what I have. I fixed all the shards of plastic I could find then covered the shape in black and silver gaffer tape. Any good?