Yes Chris, great to fly, no bad habits as long as air speed is kept especially on turns. Looks fantastic on a strafing run over the field low. They don't float in though, need some power on landing to keep airspeed above stall or "bang" they drop like a brick. I know!
Landing gear through wings badly. In retrospect I should have came in with wheels up and bellied it after I lost power. Needs a good roll-out and speed or left wing drops and .................
Fuselage is solid enough but recommend some wood fillets around firewall bulkhead. Wings are fully sheeted and the retracts are integral servo operated. Makes up a bit of weight so I would think on Eflite electric versions.
I have one still in a box (new) but unable to assemble due to lack of space in hangar at present. Still got the MKI fuselage in the loft, it was electric but the Eflite 60 (6 cells) was scale power, I think next time a power 90 (8 cells). However, Jon thought that my EP version performed better than Simon's 125 Saito 4 stroke although Simon's sound nice.
Heavy plane and I never got it under the weight Hangar 9 declared.