A few months ago on a nice gentle landing the PC21e collapsed all her retracts. Yes! All of them! The wood blocks that hold the retracts just pulled off, damaging the wing underside and ripping the gear doors off. That'll be a just job for the future I thought at the time...

It was still good weather so flyin' comes first.
Spent most of yesterday afternoon and this morning making up a kit of wood parts to install Eflite retracts in the damaged PC21, replacing the original retracts which need a sequencer to operate. Eflites are bigger so had to make up new securing plates. Mainly working on the nose gear first. By early afternoon today it has dawned on me this ain't gonna happen after modifying the nose retract. So put all the original bits n bobs back into the Sebart nose retract from the Eflite's. I know it's raining and cannot do much outside (eg; flying) but what a waste of time. Going to have to reverse what I have already done.