Lots of the RC stuff we buy regardless of brand seems to have all or very similar circuitry. the processor in most of our ESC's use the same chip as in my Arduinos the ATmega328. When you take apart some of these RC branded units you find the same processors/circuitry in many of them.
The only difference in my opinion is the cheap ones will have skimped on a few ancillary components. But with so many electronic modules on the market and mainly SMD, I wonder why I bother making up my PCBs when I can buy the ready made PCB and SMDs in place, just adapting the module to suit the job in hand.
Anyway, you can see why I made that last statement. In one picture my original lighting controller for my Twin Otter and the faffing about to get connections from one side of the board to another. In the other picture a double sided PCB with integral voltage regulator and headers for the Arduino Nano.
Strangely enough I came across during my "net surfing/shopping" a PCB module with servo outputs, two Rx inputs, SBus , HV power regulator, etc. Looked very similar layout to a Powerbox but a quarter of the price. Who needs a pretty case anyway.