These are now back in stock & I purchased one from the Ferndown branch on Monday.
Other members also have them so I have started this web page in order to keep all the
information in one place.
The intention is to "convert" them to R.C - the Salisbury Club turned up with a couple thus converted
at our Scale Day and they performed well.
We currently do not have any details of their conversion but when available it will be posted here.
Anyone with additional information please post it here.
Many Thanks
The following user(s) said Thank You: Brian, MBorrett
Below is a link to the YouTube video Dominic took from Scale Day of the Christchurch Clubs converted Lidls Chuck Gliders for anyone needing a reminder:
The following user(s) said Thank You: 4Pedalsfly, Brian
I expected the sky to be dark with Lidl gliders by now, especially since I visited Lidl in Winton and Lidl in Ferndown (West Moors?) and there wasn't one to be seen, not only that, there wasn't one when I visited after the previous rumour that the fabled glider was in stock. To add to the frustration, there was no sign of the bargain boxes of heatshrink sleeving either. Jamara do a similar glider package, but at £29 + postage its a non starter.
Kevin from the Salisbury Club has kindly supplied pictures and details of his conversion
and are as follows.
Motor - Turnigy D2830/11 - 1,100 KV and on 3 cells gives about 250 W. Other motors
around 1,000 KV would be suitable.
E.S.C - Cheap 30A - LiPo - 3S 1,100 mAh - Folding Prop 7 x 4.5 - Servos 9g
C of G - 40 mm from leading edge, may need 15g on tail to balance.
Motor Down Thrust - 12 to 15 degrees at wing root.
Advisable to add carbon rods to wing & fuselage for additional strength.
Glue - Your choice - Cyno, Epoxy or Hot Glue Gun.
There is a lot of information on various websites and the conversions vary.
Kevin has opted for Ailerons, Elevator and motor only others have also added rudder.
Wing has dihedral tips - some have retained this others have removed the dihedral for
pylon style racing . Ailerons vary from tip only to full length.
Pictures show motor, battery & receiver installation + aileron servo location.
LiPo is located in a shallow cut out under the fuselage and retained by the black strap.
Since we are limited to 3 pics - other pics showing elevator servo installation are
on next posting.
Trust this helps to get you started.
Last edit: 2 years 6 months ago by 4Pedalsfly. Reason: LiPo location added.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Phil Ford, MBorrett