Last item to modify was the fuselage which was the most time consuming item , I do not have a hot wire cutter so all the cutting out of foam was done with scalpel blades.
The black canopy was first cut off, this was glued in place and required care to maintain the original canopy line.
Next the nose was cut off at an angle of about 15 degrees to give suggested downthrust at wing root.
Fuselage front was then hollowed out to take receiver, same treatment given to the canopy
to house the E.S.C.
Ply engine mount was cut to suit motor backplate & epoxied to the nose.
Pockets were cut for the servos and slots cut to take all servo leads.
Model was then assembled and the battery positioned determined to give suggested C of G 40mm from the leading edge.
Suitable hole then evacuated in bottom of fuselage for LiPo which is retained by a velcro strap passing
round the bottom of the fuselage and under the wing, cross slot in fuselage provides for this.
3 pics attached showing relative details.