Hi Chris
Good to hear you are going to have a go.
One thing you will have to consider is your source of materials - Modern designs require a lot of cutting, not only of the basic outline but also lightening holes and slots. This all needs to be accurate. The last time I scratch built anything was many decades ago and I used sheet and strip balsa, a sharp knife and toilet paper for tracing. This method would not be suitable now so you might need to have the balsa and ply parts laser cut or sourced as a plan + wood pack.
Also where do you plan to build it - the building process is very messy and can produce copious amounts of dust and fumes. If your in a workshop or garage that should be ok because you will have to be able shut the door and leave glues to set/harden etc. Kitchen tables make life very difficult with other members of the family - Mothers :pinch: - Wives

For basic cutting I use an ordinary scalpel. I always keep many spare blades since I have never been able to resharpen a scalpel blade to its original form. As a tip, always cut in a direction away from any fingers that are holding the work-piece - the blade will slip at some time and a finger or two will not stop it. :blink:
I must admit that having seen the build threads of Pete, Mike and Phil, I have started to get the urge to cut balsa - I must sort out my Garage.
Have fun with the build.