No i don't need them - Ive got mm. fraction, Number and letter drills of pretty much every combination EXCEPT no left hand helix so maybe i should add these to my collection. (no i didn't read the detail)
However talking to some new members, they don't have any drills as evidenced when assembling ARTF's so a means of gradually opening servo arm holes without spending fortune might be useful.
Called in at my local Aldi to stock up with left hand drills but the shelf was bare - an assistant said they all sold very quickly ( or were they recalled as faulty ! )
Enjoyed reading the drill saga - left spiral drills are for drilling holes to be tapped with left hand threads.
Friday, while following Mrs. A around "The Range " shop - spotted a set of very small right hand spiral drills at around £5.00,
from memory there were about 10 - with the largest 1.5 mm.
Next time we are at that shop I'll get more details.
Did not purchase since like Kevin I'm well stocked with drills.