Maiden flight after fitting an INAV flight controller. Initial flight to trim aircraft and check power demands and video signal. Now that it is trimmed the Flight Controller can now be fine tuned. Once this is done the aircraft can be made to fly level (Horizon) or maintain altitude (AltHold). Or circle round a point (Loiter) and fly back to where it took off RTL (Return to Launch) where it will again circle around this point.
The FC now has full control of throttle and flight surfaces in Loiter and RTL modes. The last arming point is recorded from the GPS position and is registered as Home. When Arming the UAV the GPS position and height from sea level and the height at point of launch is registered. In the video I have only set altitude at launch. The field is 340 feet above sea level so you add that to the display so therefore at 150 feet the actual altitude is 490 feet. On this flight only standard trimming was carried out.
The forward nose VGA camera has an overlay of live data. This live data is fully displayed after the I disarm the aircraft and recorded on video at the ground station. The underside HD camera has to be manually tilted from horizontal to looking straight down, thelatter looking for downed planes or "bits".
Once back on the computer I am able to plug into the INAV programmer and make adjustments as necessary.
Video HD