I wrote that I'd fitted the starboard aileron in my last post. In fact it was the port one! Lateral reversal, no wonder I can't fly properly! Anyway, today I got down to the mystery of the starboard aileron/wing T.E.and wingtip T.E. misalignment. Originally I thought it was due to a dodgy repair to the tip sometime before I bought the model. Having spent a lot of time dismantling the tip parts and re-assembling with new bits where required, I still couldn't get an alignment. The wing isn't warped, neither is the aileron, then quite by chance, after I'd spent an hour or two this morning dismantling the newly refurbished wingtip again in a final attempt to get things decently lined up, I dropped my balsa knife. I picked it up, and as I straightened up, I saw something I should have noted a long time ago. The reason for the misalignment is that the hinges have been incorrectly fitted in the wing. Still don't know how I missed it. The outboard hinge is exactly 1/8" lower than the inboard one. The latest wing tip is on the building board, and now I must decide whether to reposition all three hinges, or cut away the spar and hinges in one piece, and re-fit it with packing fitted to bring the hinge line into the correct position. Fortunately the hinge spar is balsa sandwiched between hardwood sub-spars, so cutting out and refitting shouldn't be too much of a problem.