So first job is deal with the airworthiness issues. I used slow set (for max strength) Araldite to repair the cracked tailplane mount and fus side with a reasonable fillet of the resin on the underside of the mounting plate to ensure good surface contact area. The model is a Jet Arrows ARFT (the larger of the two they make) and is covered in a white plastic film with rivets embossed into it, so I had to very carefully peal this back to gain access to the wood to ensure good glue penetration of the cracked side.
Next I removed all the undercarriage parts that I could and then the mounting plate on the underside of the model, which I then straightened out in the vice. I will make some template drawings of this so that I have some sort of way of making a replacement of it in the future if it has been fatigued in any way by the bending/straightening etc. I then used Hysol to fill the damaged bolt hole and screwed in the threaded insert into this to set. The threaded inserts go into a half inch ply keel that runs down the middle of the fuselage so the Hysol should set hard and help retain the front one, which had been pulled out.
The model has some fearsome looking disc brakes on the large and heavy wheels but most of the hardware for the brakes in the model had been stripped out. As I am hoping that I can persuade Dick Spreadbury to let me fly it at Classic Jets, I want to reinstall all the brake hardware for hard runway use, where it would just keep on rolling along at idle. I also want to try to make it capable of differential braking to aid sharpish turning on the ground, if being used as a glider tug etc. More of this later.
I will have to Be very careful when using the brakes, given that it is a tail dragger and has £4k (repalcement cost, not what I paid for it!!) of engine up front. I think the damage to the undercarriage and the absence of the braking hardware, might be an indication that at some time Bill had done a 'Brakes On' landing by mistake? With my new Jeti radio I can programme this risk out with verbal reminders when flaps and/or low throttle is selected and 'if this - then that' type programming.