I have spent the last two days trying to get the three Tx RF modules - 2 x 2.4Ghz + 1 x 900Mhz talking to the various Rxs and then getting the Rxs to talk to the Powerbox Rx inputs. THIS HAS NOT BEEN EASY!!!!
The first problem was that the Powerbox instructions did not tell me what the plug orientation was for the Rx input (The servo outputs had the little JR corner pieces to orientate the plugs but the Rx & tele sockets did not). I eventually found something online on one of the forums to resolved this, I didn’t want to blow a rather expensive Powerbox by getting plugs in the wrong way round before I had even started the setup!
I have had to change the outputs of the Satellite Rxs to a sort of serial output called UDi so that all channels can pass into the Powerbox, I also had to set the Powerbox up to read UDi at the input. The main 2.4Ghz Satellite Rx plugs into the Rx1 input of the Powerbox and I got that working, eventually, to drive a servo on channel 1. I then got the other two Rxs set up and plugged them in one at a time to the Rx2 input to the Powerbox. The 2.4 Ghz satellite worked fine and unplugging one or the other did not cause the signal to be lost and the Tx telemetry told me that it had gone to backup Rx, great!
However, the 900Mhz Satellite Rx needed output pins remapping to get it to work. Easy when you know how but again hours on forums and wading through manuals to find the right information. Then the problems really started, as the Powerbox only has two Rx inputs the second 2.4 Ghz Rx and the 900Mhz Rx have to be combined via a unit called an Enlink2. This unit is designed to let two separate Rxs (and power supplies) drive one servo and can combine two Rx signals on the basis of the best signal (failsafe has to be turned off on the Rxs to ensure the output goes null if the signal fails. (Failsafe is set up in the Powerbox but needs a null input to understand that the signal has been lost on all the Rxs)
Anyway to cut a long story short I have still not got this working but believe I have at last identified the problem after many hours on forums. The Enlink2 comes with two different versions of firmware, one to drive a servo (the standard retailed version of Enlink2) and another version of the software to combine PPM/UDI/serial signals. This will mean I have to download and flash the PPM firmware into the Enlink2 to get the UDi signals through to the Powerbox. I now await the USB adaptor to try and do this. So Watch this Space!!!