Being a bit cold in the conservatory yesterday, Tuesday, I only got the rudder and elevator servos in. With the very slightly milder weather today and the OS engine turning up early now to get on with more stuff. Cut down a set of DLE30 stand offs to 50mm and then drilled them out to 5.5mm. Made up aengine mounting template from the plans and compared it with OS dimensions. Firewall drilled for the 5mm spike nuts located on the inside. With 5mm spike nuts on the inside of the firewall I could now use long HT stainless bolts to secure the engine. Any settling of the mounting can easily be cured from the front.
With the engine fitted it was time to cut out the cowl to fit. The Pepsi cowl is more streamlined compared to Pennzoil Chipmunk so I had no guidance from the latter, so a bit at a time cutting, trial and error, etc.. Done now though. Phew!
Apparently, my wife says I have got to be done by Christmas because she wants her conservatory back to start off next years crops. They don't understand that some things must not rushed, measurements are critical, holes have to drilled.....