Back to the wing now a correction had been made to the gear slots. Thanks Pete.
Sunday saw me removing all the white centre band to make way for a new band 25mm wider which "hopefully" will mean that the blue leading edge colour will now match the blue line on the fuselage or near enough.
Also I will make a better job of covering it too. Completed cleaning up and managed to get the underside white in place.
Monday, got the centre white band topside on and a lot better job, although I was on tender hooks using the heat gun to stretch it over the wing tips. With that all done managed to get the underside blue on too and this time I got a much much better finish.
Wednesday, it was 11am before I got motivated but now have the top side blue in place and pleased with my efforts. Used Covertex to help stick down the the white middle band that aligns with the fuselage on bottom side, a grp wing joiner bandage. Sponsor lettering now on starboard wing but I have left the port side till later when I feel I can get it right. the lettering seems to be attracted to me and anything else wearing any man-made fibres which makes it a right pain the ass to apply as it seems to have mind of it's own.
Notice in the images the excellent facilities I have to work in and then only till end of December when it becomes a greenhouse for seedlings..... :lol: