A week has passed already. :ohmy: Have made good progress I think with the Curare between home maintenance jobs. Forward wing former fitted but I was slightly out on the holes. I had not allowed for the fact that as the wing slides forward on the saddles it will rise about 6mm.
Had to do a hack from inside the retract bay - but it fits perfectly now, just not pretty to look at but functional.
Servo tray is installed and servo ready for connecting up again.
Further down the fuselage I have dropped in new stringers and bridged the joints with some more balsa. Not pretty either. I have doubled up the top stringer for increased strength and have added two more stringers too. Fuse is nice and rigid now.....
Ready nearly for skinning.
Which begs the question from a novice balsa basher. How to form the curve in sheet balsa? Glue one edge then wet the balsa and tape it down to shape? How wet does it have to be?