The upper wing is just about sorted out, only needs covering on the underside. The lower wing seemed to have survived with only minor damage to the covering near the right aileron servo. As it was just a case of cracked covering, I thought I'd do a temporary repair with Sellotape. Unfortunately it turned out to be a bit more complicated than cracked covering. The LE sheet had a "soft patch in amongst the cracks. I noticed that the cracks opened and closed when attempting to bend the wing. Cutting away the covering showed not only damaged LE sheet, but a crack in the lower main spar. I spliced in a new section of balsa and cut away the area of damaged sheet. Hope to complete the patch later on today. The main spar should never have been used, the photo shows the grain running across the spar, I wonder how long it had been like that? The area around the crack was discoloured, so it isn't a new break. Again, fortunately the last "arrival" shook things up just enough to show that something had flexed.