Moving on to the next "easy to fix" project, I've started refurbishing the Panic I was given last Summer. I did some basic structural repairs last year, just enough to make it flyable with some degree of safety. The covering is/was quite remarkable, the original appeared to be covered in translucent multi coloured pieces. Unfortunately oil had got between the pieces, and the covering was peeling off. The previous owner had coated the upper surfaces dark olive green and the underside pale grey, it looked OK from a distance, but oil had done its wicked work and around the edges the paint was semi liquid. I read up about getting oil out of balsa, didn't sound promising. After stripping all the covering from the fuselage and tail unit, I scrubbed the surfaces with alcohol and lots of kitchen paper. Heated the surfaces using a heat gun and more scrubbing with kitchen paper. After several goes, the surfaces were improved quite a bit. After lightly sanding down, I scrubbed a coat of ordinary spirit based knotting well into the balsa using a stiff brush. Next day, after another light sanding, I brushed on a coat of thinned PVA. I shall leave it for a couple of days to dry right out. In the meantime I needed to replace the elevator and rudder hinges. These were fibreglass/superglue jobs and were definitely "in for the duration". They didn't respond too well to my attempts with a balsa knife, but they yielded instantly when attacked with a thin diamond disc in a Dremel, bit smelly and best done in the open air.