There was a slight delay in finishing the Kadet's aileron covering. I was distracted by a calm morning and the need to go and try to fly my old Lazy Bee from the lake at Longham. The LB is a three channel model and I'd completely forgotten to set it up with the rudder and elevator on the RH stick. The model taxied around nicely, I lined it up into the very gentle breeze and it lifted into the air very quickly. Unfortunately, before I could get it high enough to trim out, the Bee started to roll to the right, I eased in a little aileron and began to close the throttle. Unfortunately the more aileron I applied, the worse the roll to the right became. The crash was a non event, the floats parted company with the fuselage, as designed, and floats and model were left drifting peacefully on the calm water. Fortunately a fellow flyer had a Graupner SeaBee, he used this to push the floats and finally the LB to shore. The final recovery was made by another brave chap who waded into the edge of the lake and retrieved the, by now, waterlogged LB. I flushed all the electrics with alcohol, and left things to dry out for a couple of days. I was surprised to find that everything worked perfectly. With the Rx re-bound, RH stick configured for rudder and elevator, three sets of rates and 20% expo dialled in, I think it might fly a little better next time. The LB has had a couple of extra coats of clear dope, and something I completely forgot was the air outlet in the bottom of the fuselage. This is now covered with a doped on patch of LiteSpan.
Now I'll get back to the Kadet, until another calm morning arrives.