Building Moonglow's fuselage wasn't as easy as I thought. The formers aren't quite the same as the original of 1968, and having the luxury of laser cut ones, I didn't check them. The design has a slight taper to the fuselage in the area of the wing seating, this means that the formers are definitely not "square" to the fuselage sides. I ended up with a distinctly banana shaped fuselage that took several hours to dismantle by gently sawing at the glue joints until they gave way. With the errant former former rectified, I'll re-build the fuselage in a jig. If I hadn't been so lazy in not bothering to dig it out of the back of the shed, I'd have been a bit further advanced in the build .At least I managed to cut a chamfer on the engine bearers, and an 10 oz tank sits in quite nicely and leaves enough room for the throttle wire.
I don't know how thirsty a Merco .61 is, just hope that a tankful will be enough to fly a "Clubman" schedule.