Its really no drama at all to patch a model before the covering's on. During the wing skinning I went indoors to get some more coffee, I needed to stay awake for the whole afternoon. During my brief visit to the kitchen, a freak gust blew all the loose balsa around the garden, and the wing into the Pyracantha bush, commonly called Firethorn. A bad tempered plant with branches covered in short twigs which are in turn covered in very sharp spikes. One wing was peppered by the thorns, and one enterprising twig had found a weak spot between two ribs and poked a neat hole. Now filled by a small rectangular patch. The rest of the damage will be made good with lightweight Polyfilla tinted with instant coffee granules. Looks good, smells good too.
Today I have been dithering about how to fit a silencer/muffler to the Merco .61. In its heyday, the Merco sported a big black dustbin silencer, rather rare now. Rummaging through my engine bits I came across a silencer that looked like an OS but had no markings at all. The hole pitch in the silencer was within 0.1mm of the mounting hole pitch in the Merco, hooray! Unfortunately the holes in both items are tapped holes, boo! After a bit of Internet searching, I came across a Merco .61 at SMC (less silencer), and an outfit called "", an American based company that do some Merco spares, unfortunately a silencer wasn't one of them. Now comes the decision, it might be possible to get some studding to fit the Merco, but I doubt it since most of the suppliers are almost entirely Metric in the smaller sizes. The Merco casting seems to be quite robust, and would probably survive having the holes re-tapped slightly oversize (M3.5 X .6), as long as its done gently. The new studs would be fitted with Loctite. The silencer holes could be drilled out to 3.6 mm. Dia, and cutting a couple of slots where the section of the casting changes, would enable the silencer to be fitted to the new studs with nuts and washers. Fiddly but possible. I'll probably be awake half the night worrying about it.