The weekend fairly flew by as I measured, re-measured and then cut the parts for the servo mounts and servo cover plates. I'd left the wings glued, pinned and weighted overnight, this morning the pins etc were removed and I was relieved to find no warps. Today I fixed the first servo onto its mount and attached the mount to its bearers with tiny screws only 8mm long. I cut and fitted some scrap balsa to use as a support frame for the servo cover, made the servo cover from 2mm liteply and cut a slot in it for the aileron pushrod and clevis. With everything glued up, I took a break for lunch, and then wasted an hour watching David Attenborough's programme on the last day of the dinosaurs. Not wasted really! Sewed up the mystery of where all the dinosaurs went overnight.
Returning to the building board I did a final check on the alignment of the servo arm and elevator horn. Something wasn't right, almost 1/4" out. It took a while to sort out what had happened, I'd fitted the servo the wrong way round, fortunately it was only a case of taking out the screws and re-positioning the servo mount in the right place.
Repeating the procedure for the other wing (correctly this time) was a lot quicker.
No pix today, forgot to change camera the batteries again.