Fortunately the rain stopped long enough for me to get the bandsaw out and cut the top deck sheet to the plan profile. Where the deck meets the tail plane, its cut away to go over the top surface, took a bit of fiddling to get the fit between the two surfaces. The tail plane can't be fitted to the fuselage with the top decking in place, that was a snag I hadn't anticipated, the second but only slight snag was that with the bottom decking fitted, the fuselage sides are no longer vertical between the former at the wing TE and the fin post. I clamped the fuselage sides vertical and glued in a spacer to hold things together until the deck is glued on. I'll tack glue the deck for the shaping, remove it and re-fit the tail plane, then finally glue the top deck in position. The tail plane is firmly pinned in position and has been squared up using a pin stuck into the C/L of the top of front former and measuring from the pin to the TE at the tip of the tail plane. After pinning, the two dimensions were within 1/32", I guess that makes it about right. The plan leaves a fair bit to the imagination, a sketch of what things look like around the area where the fin and dorsal fairing meet the top deck, and blend into the tail plane, would have been handy.