I didn't realise how long it has been since I did a bit more work on Moonglow, that's the trouble with having fun! Today I've started to make the 1/16" sheet panels for the wing skins. I cut the wing plan from the main drawing, this saved a lot of time messing about with pencil, ruler, square etc. also minimised the risk of getting it wrong, something I do quite often these days. Fortunately the balsa sheet was straight, and the edges needed no cleaning up before gluing. I've tacked on a couple of pictures as there might be a few who've never seen the way a large sheet of balsa is made. Two things help the job go smoothly. First, always use fresh masking tape, this ensure the tape won't let go before the glue dries, second, use a fine tipped glue applicator, its all too easy to squirt too much glue into the joint with messy consequences. I got mine from a craft shop, think it might have been HobbyCraft, not sure. With the sheets firmly taped, the whole thing is flipped over and held on to the building board by one panel. This gives an open "vee" joint which helps guide the tip of the applicator quite nicely. The panel is then slid across the building board, closing the newly glued joint and opening the second one. I scraped off any excess glue with an old credit card before wiping the joint over with a piece of kitchen paper. Finally, the joints are covered with polythene film and weighted down. I made the panels as "handed pairs", this will give matched surfaces for both wings.