Well, I've been putting some time in on assembly of the Curare the last couple of days. Which is very unlike me, I usually take weeks from getting a model to starting assembly. Strange times we now live in.
The instruction manual along with the article Jon T wrote when he assembled his example have made progress pretty straight forward so far except for getting the flaps working.
The right hand flap control rod was seized almost solid in its tube. I tried all sorts of manipulation without success. In the end, nothing for it but to carefully peel back the covering, with a scalpel cut a V section out down to the tube and expose the tube. Then I sliced the tube open along its length which immediately allowed the control rod to move freely. Then I glued the V piece of balsa back in with PVA along both sides of the V and when set lightly sanded the balsa V section above the tube to smooth it out. I then ironed the covering back into place and hey presto, flaps now both working fine!
Wings fitted with retracts and ailerons, then glued wing halves together and left them for the glue to set.
Fitted the switch for the on board battery and attached the motor box to the bulkhead. Next job is to make up the linkage for the flaps and get ready to start on the tail.
Happy Easter!