Snapped on the fly with a smart phone at our field on the 7th October 2023. Only 6 pilots for this session. It was just a well because since that day flying has been greatly reduced to continuous high winds, rain and combinations of both. We accept this is England but this year Autumn has been less favourable than previous years.
Oddly there were no collisions and all jets returned safely to the airstrip!
This year, 2023 is the 50th Anniversary of the Club. With this in mind and with help from some members with photo archives a video photo album has been created to look back at past and present members. Some images are from scans of old photos and later much better quality from digital images. Images captured from poses, presentations and those instant shots with click of a shutter.
Contributors are listed at the end of the video and were gratefully accepted.
Highlights of the Wimborne Model Aero Club's jet turbine and EDF Jet Day and Camping Weekend held on the 16th & 17 th September. Skies overcast early in the day with some intermittent light rain and breezy conditions but the event continued. As the day progressed the weather improved and a good day was had by those pilots who turned up and flew. Although there were a couple of unfortunate landings but no serious damage to landing gear.
Four awards were given out for Best Turbine Flight, Best Turbine on Show, Best EDF Flight and Best EDF model on Show. Some stayed on for the evening entertainment. Although Sunday was forecast for high winds and torrential rain.
Highlights of our annual event featuring warbirds, general aviation models and turbine jets. Sunny day luckily (this is England and it's lucky when you consider the event was planned back in January) with minimal cloud but gusting cross winds from NE blowing through the gaps in hedge line making it turbulent at touchdown. The NE wind and gusts did not set back any flying and most got a least two flights in. Just one incident with a model pulling out it's landing gear. The flightline was well filled with all types of models from end to end of the line. The car park was by late morning full to capacity by spectators.
The B25 Mitchell has rarely seen the light of day since purchased back in 2014. It had it's maiden around that time by pilot Jon Tappin. It appeared again on a Scale Day, I think it was 2016 when it won best model flight. jon was the pilot and I was co-pilot. The Mitchell also made an appearance at Ferndown Fete back in 2019 flown by Jon Tappin. Years seem to go by so quickly and I thought it was time for me to complete a full flight. The dual batteries are GensAce 3300 maH 5 Cell 25C. I always date my lipos when I put them into service and these top notch lipos were dated January 2015. Cell resistances still only around 6 ohms.